Curriculum Vitae
Name: Lior Kariel
Date of birth: 25.08.1951
Telefax: 972-9-9587367
Mobile: 972-52-3581931
2012-'Alma'-Home for Hebrew calture
2009-2010-Participation in the Activist artist conaervatory for Social change in Israel,in,The Nagger School of Photography Musrara, Jerusalem
2006-Fashion design,modelung
2002-2004 –Performance education
2002-2003 The Nagger School of Photography Musrara, Jerusalem Peace Seminar for Arabs and Jews.
1996-1998- New seminar for visual arts, criticism and cultural approach to theory 'Camera Obscure' TLV.
1990-1993- "Art college Ramat Hsharon" studies for senior mastrer's degree.
1973-1979- "Avni institute for painting and sculpting"
Graduate in Senior Mastrer's degree TLV.
2006-Fashion design and Art
1991-2004- "Open and Democratic school" in Jaffa , art teacher for
Elementary and High school for Arabs and Jewish students.
1991-2004- Intensive community work for minority groups involving progressive thinking and social activities in Jaffa following the democratic path.
Exhibitions and performing arts
'Tr olley & Woman' Kibbutz Berry gallery.
-'Honor your Father and Mother'-'No Edit''2x video performance.
Alma –Home for Jewish Culture.
-'High Fire-Shderot' ZaZ festival TLV- Wadi Nisnas Haifa.
- 'TAL what you see?' video performance ,'Narrative Life'
7woman-7artist' Jasy Cohn neighborhood project' Center for
Contemporary Art Holon.
'Trolley & Woman' Musrara Mix 11 , Festival, Jerusalem
'Blindness 3' 'TAL what you see?' 'Crossing Matterhe' Center for
Contemporary Art Holon, and Art Platform 209 Shelter.
-Activist artist Conaervatory Exhibition ,
'Blindness 2' performance.
'The Knowledge Pantheon' photography
'White Water' video performans
The Nagger School of Photography Musrara, Jerusalem,
-'Vantage Point' Musrara Mix 10 ,Festival, Jerusalem .
-'Catalog' Bus Station Performance Art Platform 209 Shelter.
-'Catalog' 'The Lab' ZaZ festival Performance Art Platform. 'Questionnaire Anonymous' Bus Station Performance Art Platform.x2.
'TALITA KUMY' 'Manofeym' Festival 'Opening of Exhibitions, Jerusalem.
-'Ladder-Airplanes' 'Town, Shelter' SAPIR Academy College Sederot Israel.
-'Performance Story' 'FireFly' group exhibition,The Center of contemporary Art,TLV.
-'Moshe Hess 8' group exhibition' Hess 8 TLV.
-'Disappear2' ZaZ festival, Trilogy' Performance Art Platform,TLV,Jerusalem, Mitzpe Ramon
-'An Imaginary Community'-curator and director by group performances
-'Connected inclusion' Festival 'The Voice of the Word' -'Hzirh' Jerusalem
- 'The Democratic Lesson' Performance Art Platform Galata Istanbul, Turky.
-'Disappear Black &White' 'Present Now', Cuntemporary Art Reding Festival , Israel.
-'My White Love' Festival of '4 Countries' Lodge,Poland .
-'NO ISSUE'- Performance Art Platform Galata Istanbul ,Turky.
- 'Wedding Present' 'Subkotchm Milega'TLV.
-'SHORT' BLURRR5 TLV Festival.
-'NO ISSUE' Festival of the' Women to Women' organization 'Silent Testimony'.
-'The Tent' opening of the Museums and gallery TLV.
-'The Tent' Burgundy France.
-'The Tent' LMP PARIS France.
-'25.5/25/25/5/centimeter', Performance Art Platform TLV .
-'The 2nd Thermo-DynamicLaw'-Performance Art Platform
Member of "Ensemble performance arts' Performance Art Platform .
-'Dust' Video art 'Homeland 2'School of Photography Mussrara Jerusalem.
- 'Oranges' by Shahar Marcus, Art Focus guest performance.
- 'Check Point' performance art 'Training' new central station.
-'6 Cypress& Meal' Video art 'Hearat Shulaym 7',Jerusalem.
-'Evening Suit' in memory of Dany Zakhem.
- 'Queuing' performance art Performance Art Platform.
– 'Decadent Life' as part of art festival which will be taking place in the electric power center riding' TLV.
- Lesson on Democracy'. Performance in Hearat Shulaym 8-9 , .
– 'Dust''Coffee', 'Dance'rewind in repeat performance.
– 'Kick Side' Salon Mazal (under ground) TLV.
– - 'Yes Sir' performance art, David Tower museum, Jerusalem.
– 'Lubrication' performance art Cinemateque TLV.
– 'Dust', 'Coffee' 'Dance' three performance
Art in Performance Art Platform TLV
-'Aquarium' performance art in window shopping 'Liora' with partner in TLV.
'The Chosen People' performance art in window shopping 'Liora' with partner in TLV.
Jan 2000
'7 Photographers meet in Kibbutz Nachshon' in Nachshon gallery Jerusalem.
Feb 2000
' Temporary Authorization' foundation of Florentine gallery "I" with foreign workers and local artists.
– Film and documentary about Tira (Arab town) including Performance picturing artist rolled in an Arab rug. 'Camera Obscure'.
– 'Intersection Trip' TLV alternative gallery in rolling bus including interactive public dialogue 'Camera Obscure'.Coming Soon